Thursday, 22 August 2013

Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure refers to formalized patterns of interactions that link a firm’s tasks, technologies, and people
ª  Structure provides a means of balancing two conflicting forces
9  Need for the division of tasks into meaningful groupings

9  Need to integrate the groupings for efficiency and effectiveness

Traditional Forms of Organizational Structure
ª  Structure provides a means of balancing two conflicting forces
9  Need for the division of tasks into meaningful groupings
9  Need to integrate the groupings for efficiency and effectiveness

Dominant Growth patterns of Large Corporations

ª  Simple Structure
9  An organizational form in which the owner-manager makes most of the decisions and controls activities, and the staff serve as an extension of the top executive.
ª  Advantages
9  Highly informal
9  Centralized decision making
9  Little specialization
ª  Disadvantages
9  Employees may not understand their responsibilities
9  May take advantage of lack of regulation

ª  Functional Structure
9  An organizational form in which the major functions of the firm, such as production, marketing, R&D, and accounting, are grouped internally. 

ª  Advantages
9  Enhanced coordination and control
9   Centralized decision making
9   Enhanced organizational-level perspective
9   More efficient use of managerial and technical talent
9   Facilitated career paths and development in specialized areas
ª  Disadvantages
9  Impeded communication and coordination due to differences in values and orientations
9  May lead to short-term thinking (functions vs. organization as a whole)
9   Difficult to establish uniform performance standards

ª  Divisional organizational structure
9  An organizational form in which products, projects, or product markets are grouped internally.
9  Also called multidivisional structure or M-Form

ª  Advantages
9  Separation of strategic and operating control
9   Quick response to important changes in external environment
9   Minimal problems of sharing resources across functional departments
9   Development of general management talent is enhanced
ª  Disadvantages
9   Can be very expensive
9   Can be dysfunctional competition among divisions
9   Differences in image and quality may occur across divisions
9   Can focus on short-term performance

ª  Strategic business unit (SBU) structure
9  An organizational form in which products, projects, or product market divisions are grouped into homogeneous units.
ª  Advantages
9  task of planning and control by the corporate office more manageable
9  individual businesses can react more quickly to important changes
ª  Disadvantages
9  may become difficult to achieve synergies
9  additional level of management increases overhead expenses
ª  Holding company structure
An organizational form in which the divisions have a high degree of autonomy both from other divisions and from corporate headquarters
ª  Advantages
9  cost savings associated with lower overhead
9  autonomy increases the motivational level of divisional executives
ª  Disadvantages
9  inherent lack of control and dependence
9  limited staff support
ª  Matrix organizational structure
an organizational form in which there are multiple lines of authority and some individuals report to at least two managers

ª  Advantages
9  Facilitates the use of specialized personnel, equipment and facilities
9  Provides professionals with a broader range of responsibility and experience
ª  Disadvantages
9  Can cause uncertainty and lead to intense power struggles
9  Working relationships become more complicated
9  Decisions may take longer


  1. Anjan Reddy - Resource Deployment Manager - IBM22 August 2013 at 09:35

    Hey Anvesh,

    Nice video to present yourself to the world what you are and what you are aiming for. All the Very Best for your future buddy..!!


  2. Anvesh, Nice work, good thought.But need improvement in certain areas I mentioned,I hope you know which.

    1. thanks Rohit, I will work on those areas


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